Friday, January 09, 2009


Last night was great. Good conversation, lots of laughter and life. And although a little later than normal, I still managed to squeeze in my evening walk when I got home. Success! Today included an unexpected lunch out at M café. Good food and good atmosphere to see life literally bustling all around me (that life even including Natalie Portman and Sara Gilbert). And dinner and a show still to come tonight!

And so today I began thinking that maybe the thought that I was watching life happen around me was merely another part of my pattern. Perhaps that wasn't actually the case, but in not being more in touch with what was really happening and recognizing how I was feeling about things, that was just my default thought. It's encouraging somehow that it may not have been a truth all that time and could be as easy to change as a frame of mind. But I guess everything is really just a frame of mind in the end.

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